Jeff ObatsaThe Catholic University of Eastern Africa (CUEA) was accorded a privilege of hosting the 4th Librarians and Archivists Gathering on the 23rd of August 2024 that brought together a number of religious universities and institutions within Nairobi to discuss issues relating to Libraries and archiving activities in these institutions. These gatherings are regarded as an opportunity for participants to share knowledge, discuss challenges, and explore innovative solutions that help the team navigate the future. It is a platform for collaboration, where participants can learn from each other and strengthen the networks that bind the professional community together.

A welcome note from the University Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs (CUEA) Prof. George Kimathi was read to the gathering by the Librarian Dr. Samuel Macharia. He noted that Librarians and Archivists play a pivotal role in institutions as custodians of knowledge in ensuring that the treasures of the past are not only preserved but also made accessible to future generations. In a world where information is both abundant and fleeting, their mandate serves as the foundation for education, research, and the continuity of culture. Prof. Kimathi encouraged participants as they embark on a journey of discussions, and networking, to remain mindful of their shared responsibility of upholding the integrity and accessibility of information.

“As we embark on this journey of discussions, and networking, let us remain mindful of our shared responsibility to uphold the integrity and accessibility of information.” He also asked the participants to continue innovating, seeking new ways of connecting people with the knowledge they need, and ensuring that the legacies managed today will be preserved for generations to come.

It is evident that the gathering is bearing fruits and institutions are starting acknowledge efforts of the the Librarians and Archivists forum. An example is the St. Pauls University Archives that had resources that were just reaped in a room but now some order has been put in place and the archiving is shaping up.

After each institution presenting their findings of the needs assessment that were carried out, followed by some short responses on the emerging issues. Ms. Rosemary Achando the trainer from the Kenya National Archives took participants through the second session which tackled storage equipment for archival records.

It was largely noted that the participants had not prepared enough from the presentations given. Very few institutions had the needs assessment documents for their institutions. The presenter encouraged participants to carryout proper needs assessment of their libraries and archives. She said these can be used as a basis of developing a survey and appraisal of Records. It can also be used to support a proposal to the institutions board of management to solicit funding for archives and library actitities.

The Organizing Committee of the Librarians and Archivists gathering would like to thank all institutions who made their token of contributions to support the activities of the 4th gathering at CUEA, in particular Ms. Esther Odanga and Marriam Ismael of the Kenya National Library Services (KNLS) for their personal attributions despite their apologies of absence. The next gathering is scheduled on 29th of November 2024 at KNLS. The theme of discussion will be Survey and Appraisal of Records.

As we move forward, it is paramount that we remind ourselves that the proposal for these gatherings emanated from Dr. Kyama Mugambi of Yale Divinity School and it was adopted by Rev. Dr. Jean Luc Enyegue, SJ the director of Jesuit Historical Institute in Afria (JHIA). We hope that in the near future the gathering can grow bigger than just a gathering.


Geoffrey Obatsa
Admin Assistant – JHIA