Dr. Jean Luc Enyegue, SJOn Wednesday, May 22, 2024, the academic year came to a close at Hekima University College. The Mass was presided over by Reverend Father José Minaku, SJ, President of the Jesuit Conference of Africa and Madagascar (JCAM). It also marked the inauguration of the new rector, Fr. Emmanuel Foro, replacing Fr. Deogratias Rwezaura. This edition of our newsletter offers a brief biographical sketch of these two rectors.

The Mass was a thanksgiving to the Lord for Deo, after six years of good and loyal service; and prayers for Foro, the incoming rector. For a community already dispersed for vacations and other apostolic commitments, a special thought was directed to those already in the mission field, and a special one to Fathers Gaspar Sunhwa and Eric Kambale, who are at the end of their mission in Hekima for a sabbatical for the former, and to pursue studies for the latter.

Echoing the invitation of the last Congregation of Procurators, Loyola 2023, Reverend Father Minaku insisted that our community reflect further and make it its own the urgent call of “being” over “doing” as the center of our life-mission. A challenge which letter you will find in this issue of our Newsletter.

It is naturally in obedient response to this invitation from our superior that we too at the Institute are taking a well-deserved vacation. Our staff will take advantage of this month to refresh themselves spiritually and physically, to inhabit the world as poets for a while, to taste again and feel that which makes us live: intimacy with the Lord who calls us to follow and serve him in his own mission. We pray in gratitude for their wonderful service, for God’s blessings to them and their families, ever grateful for their commitment to our mission.

We go forth confident that this Society and all it does is “of Jesus”; and that Jesus will continue to take care of it, and all of you, our dear readers and benefactors.


Dr. Jean Luc Enyegue, SJ