Éditorial en français: Issue No 39
Voici venir le symposium ! Les Grecs anciens utilisaient le συμπόσιον (symposion) dans leurs beuveries, où les participants se lançaient dans des discussions,
Editorial in English: Issue No 39
The Symposium is Here! The Ancient Greek used the συμπόσιον (symposion) in their drinking parties, where participants would engage in discussions, poetry
A Celebration of Dedication: Hekima University College’s 2024 Christmas Party
The sun shone brightly over Fred's Ranch and Resort in Isinya, Kajiado, on December 20th, 2024, as Hekima University College hosted its
Upcoming International Symposium: Illuminating the Spiritual Exercises in the African Context
The planned 2025 international symposium on "The Spiritual Exercises in the African Context," scheduled for July 6–10, 2025, at the Mwangaza Jesuit
The 5th Librarian and Archivists Gathering at Kenya National Library Services
The 5th Librarians and Archivists Gathering was recently conducted at the Kenya National Library Service (KNLS), thus keeping alive the tradition of
Cultural Festival at Hekima University College: A Celebration of Unity in Diversity
On November 30, 2024, Hekima University College hosted its Annual Cultural Festivals, a vibrant celebration of the rich cultural diversity within its