Fr Deogratias M. Rwezaura, S.J. has been the Rector of the Hekima College Jesuit Community since 2017 after being appointed by the head of the Society of Jesus Worldwide, General Arturo Sosa, S.J. He joined the Society of Jesus in 1994 and was ordained in 2005 and has served as the Regional Director of Jesuit Refugee Service Eastern Africa and Socius in the Provincial Curia. He also fulfills the office of the president of the Faculty of the Theology of the Jesuits of Africa and Madagascar (FTJM) as well as being a lecturer at Hekima University College in Nairobi, Kenya. He has made enormous changes and improvements in his years of service here at Hekima College, for instance, solarization project.

Frs. Deogratias Rwerauza and Emmanuel Foro, S.J. pose for a photograph after the transition mass presided over by Fr. José Minaku Lukoli, S.J. at Hekima University Chapel on 22 May 2024

Fr. Emmanuel Foro, S.J. was born in Toma, Burkina Faso on December 5, 1967, Joined the Society of Jesus in 1993 but was ordained a priest in 2004. Hekima College is his alma mater and he completed his M.Phil in Philosophy from Cambridge University, at Rhode Island where he did his degree in human geography and STL in biblical studies from the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley. His working experience has been in pastoral and academic apostolates where he has assumed duties as Chaplain, Theology teacher, Hekima College’s Faculty of Theology Dean, Formation Delegate of the AOC Province, and Socius of the same Province. After a sabbatical year in 2022-2023, he returned to teaching at Hekima University College. His extensive work has spanned multiple countries, focusing on education and spiritual guidance.


Geoffrey Obatsa.
Administrative Assistant, JHIA