Once upon a time

By the time when Maurice Michael Otunga was archbishop of Nairobi, Fr Plammondon SJ Regional Superior of the Jesuit Eastern Region, and Fr Henri De Decker SJ, Rector of Hekima College.

Pope Jean-Paul II came on the occasion of the forty-third International Eucharistic Congress held in Nairobi in August 1985.

One evening in our first year of theology, a team of journalists joined us for a prospecting report.  Some of the involved students were: Victor Odhiambo,  Fidèle Dollo, Jean-Marie Lelo di Khuabi, and Kapitula Nzanzu.

  • Question of the journalists’ team :

The Pope will soon be our guest here in Nairobi so you in virtue of your young students in theology what would you wish the Holy Father to tell the Black Africa?

  • My spontaneous answer :

For heaven’s sake, let Him rather listen to what the people of God have to tell Him.

  • The reporter challenged :

And you what then would you have to say?

  • My reply :

Well, one or two things.

  • The reporter :

Would you be kind to share with us what they are?

  • Me :

Why not!

Yet out of courtesy, it will be better that His Holiness be the first to hear a piece of news. My fellow students laughed and the journalists laughed as well but all together wondering how could somebody dare suggest that the Pope had to listen to mere common people in the Church!


Delivered by Frs Nzanzu SJ and Thuadi SJ
Kisantu, April 2024